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Summer SessionsJuly-AugustPre & Post Natal Pilates

Pre & Post-

Natal Pilates Practice

Session 1: 

Mondays 9:30

July 15

July 22

July 29

Aug 5


Session 2: 

Thursdays 6:30pm

August 8

August 15

August 22

August 29



$120 per session



Are you newly pregnant? Mid or late term? Are you postnatal? Are you experiencing diastis recti? We've got you!




This is a 4-class session geared toward pre & post natal, and those bodies with diastis recti, both experienced and beginners. The classes will focus on exercises and stretches that support all phases of pregnancy. BDA- Before During and



An incomplete pregnancy is a pregnancy deserving

the same gentle care for your mind, heart, and body
















Low-impact, deliberately gentle and intuitive movements are used to tune into your body and feel which areas need the most attention. You will be guided through these using Pilates equipment by a skilled stretch teacher!


Widely regarded as one of the best forms of exercise for pregnancy, prenatal Pilates is specifically designed to accommodate the needs of the expectant mother. Doing Pilates on equipment can safely boost your physical and mental health. Due to its focus on improving stability and strengthening the entire body, practicing Pilates can prevent and offer relief from joint pain. Thanks to the focus on better posture, alignment, and body awareness, Pilates can help relieve sciatica, back and hip pain while alleviating symptoms of pubic synthesis, a common pregnancy condition.


Exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for both mom and baby alike! Recent studies share that regular exercise throughout the prenatal period can support the baby’s brain growth and development, among other benefits. As for mama, staying in shape while expecting has numerous advantages for her overall well-being, from easing pregnancy-related aches and pains to managing stress and preventing conditions like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.


Prenatal Pilates differs from 'regular' Pilates due to its heightened focus on the transverse abdominis, the deep layer of muscles that corset the waist. Instead of increasing the strength of the abdominal contraction, the core connection becomes about building and reinforcing the support system. The Pilates method emphasizes deep breathing and the mind-body connection, which helps to prepare mothers for labor and childbirth. Practicing these can help increase resolve, enabling you to better cope with the emotional ups and downs many experience during and after pregnancy.


This Pilates class is perfect to assist you in moving your body, managing stress, and helping to keep you healthy- Before, During, and After!

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